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262 lines
FILE : kr_mem.ph
PURPOSE : SNNS-Kernel Memory Manager Function Prototypes
AUTHOR : Niels Mache
DATE : 21.2.90
CHANGED BY : Sven Doering
IDENTIFICATION : @(#)kr_mem.ph 1.12 4/7/94
LAST CHANGE : 4/7/94
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
#ifndef _KR_MEM_DEFINED_
#define _KR_MEM_DEFINED_
/* begin global definition section */
/* get one link structure */
struct Link *krm_getLink( void );
/* release one link structure */
void krm_releaseLink( struct Link * link_ptr);
/* release the link and all following links */
void krm_releaseAllLinks( struct Link *first_link_ptr );
/* get one unit-site structure */
struct Site *krm_getSite( void );
/* release one unit-site structure */
void krm_releaseSite( struct Site *site_ptr );
/* release the unit-site and all following sites (at this unit) */
void krm_releaseAllSites( struct Site *first_site_ptr );
/* garbage collection of unit array */
void krm_unitArrayGC( void );
/* allocate the unit array */
krui_err krm_allocUnits( int N );
/* get one unit structure */
int krm_getUnit( void );
/* release unit */
void krm_releaseUnit( int UnitNo );
/* get information about memory usage */
void krm_getMemoryManagerInfo( int *array_size, int info_array[] );
/* allocate the array for topological sorting of the units in the network */
krui_err krm_allocUnitTopoArray( int N );
/* release the topolocic array */
void krm_releaseUnitTopoArray( void );
/* release one name-table entry */
void krm_NTableReleaseEntry( struct NameTable *NTable_ptr );
/* Searches for a given symbol and symbol-type in the name table.
Returns symbol ptr if symbol was found, NULL otherwise. */
struct NameTable *krm_NTableSymbolSearch( char *symbol, int sym_type );
/* Creates a new symbol in the name-table. Returns name-table ptr or NULL if
memory alloc has failed. */
struct NameTable *krm_NTableCreateEntry( char *symbol_name, int symbol_type );
/* Inserts a symbol in the name-table. This function duplicates symbol ptrs
if the symbol was found in the name-table. Returns symbol ptr or NULL if
memory alloc has failed. */
char *krm_NTableInsertSymbol( char *symbol_name, int symbol_type );
/* release name-table entry if there is no other reference to this symbol */
void krm_NTableReleaseSymbol( char *symbol_name, int symbol_type );
/* get the first name-table entry */
struct NameTable *krm_getNTableFirstEntry( void );
/* get the next name-table entry */
struct NameTable *krm_getNTableNextEntry( void );
/* create new site-table entry */
struct SiteTable *krm_STableCreateEntry( char *site_symbol, SiteFuncPtr site_func );
/* change the properties of the given site-table entry */
struct SiteTable *krm_STableChangeEntry(struct SiteTable *stbl_ptr,
char *new_site_name,
SiteFuncPtr new_site_func );
/* release a previosly defined site-table entry */
void krm_STableRemoveEntry( struct SiteTable *STable_ptr );
/* searches for a symbol in the site-table */
struct SiteTable *krm_STableSymbolSearch( char *site_symbol );
/* returns a pointer to the first used site-table entry */
struct SiteTable *krm_getSTableFirstEntry( void );
/* returns a pointer to the next used site-table entry */
struct SiteTable *krm_getSTableNextEntry( void );
/* allocate a new Ftype entry */
struct FtypeUnitStruct *krm_getFtypeEntry( void );
/* free a previosly defined Ftype entry */
void krm_releaseFtypeEntry( struct FtypeUnitStruct *Ftype_entry );
/* create and define a Ftype entry */
struct FtypeUnitStruct *krm_FtypeCreateEntry(char *Ftype_symbol,
OutFuncPtr out_func,
ActFuncPtr act_func,
ActDerivFuncPtr act_deriv_func );
/* add a site to a previosly defined Ftype entry */
struct Site *krm_FtypeAddSite(struct FtypeUnitStruct *Ftype_entry,
struct SiteTable *STable_entry );
/* returns a pointer to first Ftype entry */
struct FtypeUnitStruct *krm_getFtypeFirstEntry( void );
/* returns a pointer to next Ftype entry */
struct FtypeUnitStruct *krm_getFtypeNextEntry( void );
/* searches for a Ftype entry with the given name */
struct FtypeUnitStruct *krm_FtypeSymbolSearch( char *Ftype_symbol );
/* releases all Ftype entries */
void krm_releaseFtypeList( void );
/* free all link arrays */
void krm_releaseLinkArrays( void );
/* Functions for the MasPar kernel */
/* release weight arrays from memory */
void krm_releaseWeightArrays( void );
/* creates arrays containing connection weights for feedforward networks */
krui_err krm_createWeightArrays( void );
/* frees all memory used for the internal representation of the network */
void krm_releaseMem( void );
#ifdef KERNEL3D
extern struct TransTable *transTable;
extern int transTableSize;
GROUP: Global Var's (as declared by the Memory Manager)
int NoOfAllocPatternPairs = 0; /* no. of allocated pattern pairs */
/* end global definition section */
/* begin private definition section */
GROUP: Local Var's
static int FreeUnitIndex = 0, /* no. of the next free unit in the unit array*/
NoOfAllocUnits = 0, /* no. of allocated units */
NoOfSites = 0, /* no. of used sites in the network and Ftype
sites (including sites for functionality
type use only) */
NoOfNetSites = 0, /* no. of used sites in the network (only unit
sites) */
NoOfAllocSites = 0, /* no. of allocated sites */
NoOfLinks = 0, /* no. of links used for the network */
NoOfAllocLinks = 0, /* no. of allocated links */
NoOfNTableEntries = 0, /*no. of name table entries */
NoOfAllocNTableEntries = 0, /*no. of allocated name table entries*/
NoOfSTableEntries = 0, /*no. of site table entries */
NoOfAllocSTableEntries = 0, /*no. of allocated site table entries*/
NoOfFTableEntries = 0, /*no. of functionality types */
NoOfAllocPatternNumbers = 0; /*no. of allocated array elements for
shuffeling pattern numbers */
static SiteArray
site_array = NULL, /* pointer to first site array */
free_site_ptr = NULL, /* pointer to first free site */
site_block_list = NULL; /* pointer to first free site block */
static LinkArray
link_array = NULL, /* pointer to first link array */
free_link_ptr = NULL, /* pointer to first free link */
link_block_list = NULL; /* pointer to first free link block */
static NTableArray
NTable_array = NULL, /* pointer to name table */
free_NTable_entry = NULL, /* ptr to first free name table entry */
NTable_block_list = NULL, /* ptr to first free name table block */
curr_NTable_entry = NULL, /* pointer to current name table entry */
curr_NTable_block = NULL; /* pointer to current name table block */
static STableArray
STable_array = NULL, /* pointer to site table */
free_STable_entry = NULL, /* ptr to first free site table entry */
STable_block_list = NULL, /* ptr to first free site table block */
curr_STable_entry = NULL, /* pointer to current name site entry */
curr_STable_block = NULL; /* pointer to current name site block */
static struct FtypeUnitStruct
*Ftype_list_root = NULL, /* pointer to root of the Ftype list */
*curr_Ftype_entry = NULL; /* pointer to current Ftype entry */
static int krm_allocLinks(int N);
static int krm_allocSites(int N);
static struct Site *krm_getFtypeSite(void);
/* Future Use: release one Ftype-site structure */
/*static void krm_releaseFtypeSite(struct Site *site_ptr ); */
static void krm_releaseAllFtypeSites(struct Site *first_site_ptr);
static void krm_releaseSiteArrays(void);
static void krm_relocateLinkPtrs(int offset);
static void krm_releaseUnitArrays(void);
static int krm_allocNTableArray(void);
static struct NameTable *krm_getNTableEntry(void);
static void krm_releaseNTableArrays(void);
static int krm_allocSTableArray(void);
static int krm_allocSTableArray(void);
static struct SiteTable *krm_getSTableEntry(void);
static void krm_releaseSTableEntry(struct SiteTable *STable_ptr);
static void krm_releaseSTableArrays(void);
static struct SiteTable *krm_getSTableNextRawEntry(void);
/* end private definition section */